01 - The First Solo Art Exhibition
The title: "Art of Zero and One", at “Inji Aflaton” Hall, Cairo Atelier, Cairo, Egypt, (17 February - 1 March, 2013).
Egyptian TV Channel covering the opening ceremony on 17, February, 2013.
02 - The Second Solo Art Exhibition
The title "LDAP", The event was the first exhibition featuring Linoleum Cut with Digital Art Printing, at Hall of the Fine Arts, Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Damietta, Damietta, Egypt, (30th November- 7th December, 2013).
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Photos from the opening ceremony on 30, November, 2013.
03 - The Third Solo Art Exhibition
The title "The Number (2)", It was featuring Linoleum Cut with Digital Art Printing, And full-fine art digital printing at Hall of the Hanager, Opera Cairo House, Cairo, Egypt, (24 - 30 December 2014).
Photos from the opening ceremony on 24, December, 2014, With the General President of The Egyptian Syndicate of Plastic Artists.
04 - The Forth Solo Art Exhibition
The title "Crossbred Faces", El-Jazera Art Center, Cairo, Egypt, 13-23, May, 2015.
The Virtual Tour:
The Media News
The Virtual Tour:
The Media News
05 - The Fifth Solo Art Exhibition
- The first Solo art exhibition for me in Romania with title "The Digital Pharaoh" opend 7 May 2016 at the Gallery of Fundatia Inter-Art Foundation, Aiud, Romania, from 07 May till 13 May 2016. The art exhibition organized by: The-Inter-Art Foundation Aiud, Liviu Rebreanu Cultural Center Aiud, CityHall, Local Council Aiud, Alba Country Council, Lucian Blaga Alba Country, URL:
The official Announcement of "Centrul Cultural Liviu Rebreanu Aiud":
The Solo Art News in Romanian Media - Web Links:
The opening ceremony of my FIRST solo art exhibition in Romania, on 07 May, 2016, at the Gallery of Fundatia Inter-Art Foundation, Aiud, Romania.
The official poster of my first Solo Art Exhibition in Romania, 7 May, 2016.
, One of my artwork of my first Solo Art Exhibition in Romania, 7 May, 2016.
And it is published in An American juried Magazine Called: "The HAND LLC" (A Magazine for Reproduction Based Art) Issue #12, April 2016, p. 55. URL: * (CurCom & Jury Committee by): "James Meara", "Adam Finkelston". |
06 - The Sixth Solo Art Exhibition
- The Second Solo art exhibition for me in Roumania with title "The Digital Pharaoh" - 22 May 2016, 5.30 PM at The Museum of Unification from Alba Iulia, Romania by Dr. Gabriel Rustoiu "General Director", Mioara Pop "Director", & "Conf. Univ. Dr." Rodica Chira with Antonios pavel Adam a "Romanian Musician", organized by: Fundaţia „Inter-Art” Aiud, Muzeul Naţional al Unirii Alba Iulia, Consiliul Judeţean Alba, Biblioteca Judeţeană L. Blaga Alba, Centrul Cultural L .Rebreanu Aiud, Romania
The Official Announcement: -
The Solo Art News in Romanian Media - Web Links:
The official poster of my second Solo Art Exhibition in Romania, 22 May, 2016.
at The Museum of Unification from Alba Iulia, Romania. |
One of my artwork of my second Solo Art Exhibition in Romania, 22 May, 2016. And it is exhibited too in International Miniature Print Biennial 2016, OSA: Ottawa School of Art, Byward Market Gallery, Canada, 31 March - 15 May 2016.
URL: * (CurCom & Jury Committee by): "Jean-Claude Bergeron", "Deidre Hierlihy" & "Dr. Stéphane Roy". |
The opening ceremony of my SECOND solo art exhibition in Romania, on 22 May, 2016, at The Museum of Unification from Alba Iulia, Romania.
07 - The Seventh Solo Art Exhibition
"The Digital Pharaoh Art Exhibition - Edition 2" & the First Solo Art Exhibition for me in Serbia at The Gallery of Konstantin Danil of The Cultural Center of Zrenjanin, 8 July 2016, 7 PM, Serbia
08 - The Eighth Solo Art Exhibition
"The Digital Pharaoh Art Exhibition - Edition 2" & the Second Solo Art Exhibition for me in Serbia at The Gallery of The Cultural Center of Pancevo, Serbia, 10-20 November 2016.
Photos from the opening ceremony of my Solo Art Exhibition in ٍSerbia, 10 November, 2016.
09 - The Ninth Solo Art Exhibition
"The Digital Pharaoh Art Exhibition - Edition 3" at The Museum of The Faculty of Art and Design, The National University of Misiones, Argentina, From 6 October till 5 November 2016.
Photos with Dean, Curators, Faculty Staff and Students from the opening ceremony of my Solo Art Exhibition in Argentina, 6 October, 2016.
The official poster of my Solo Art Exhibition in Argentina, 6 October, 2016.
From the opening ceremony of my Solo Art Exhibition in Argentina, 6 October, 2016.
10 - The Tenth Solo Art Exhibition
"The Digital Pharaoh Art Exhibition" At the Yelabuga State Historical-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve, Tatarstan, Russian Federation , 12 - 31 January 2017.
* The Opening news by The Russian Language on the museum official website:
"Выставка графических работ Мохамеда Закарии Абдельсалама Ахмеда Солтана «Электронный фараон» (Египет, Каир) с 12 января" Online PDF Downloadable File on the page number 4 - Line number: 4 from the top.
* The Opening news by The Russian Language on the museum official website:
"Выставка графических работ Мохамеда Закарии Абдельсалама Ахмеда Солтана «Электронный фараон» (Египет, Каир) с 12 января" Online PDF Downloadable File on the page number 4 - Line number: 4 from the top.
11 - The Eleventh Solo Art Exhibition
"The International Print Biennial Lodz Collection 2017: The Digital Pharaoh Art Exhibition" At Muzeum Fabryki “Museum of the Factory”, Łódź, Poland, 6 May till 11 June 2017.
12 - The Twelfth Solo Art Exhibition
- "Digital Pharaoh", At the Galeria Wypukła, Faculty of Art, University of Rzeszow, Poland, June 26 - July 24, 2017.
13 - The Thirteenth Solo Art Exhibition
- "Arabic Calligraphies & Butterflies hug", At the Forum Gallery of the Faculty of Fine Arts of UMK university in Toruń, Poland, 5-26 October 2017
The Official Printed Materials of My Solo Art Exhibition At the Faculty of Fine Arts UMK in Torun, Poland.
14 - The Fourteenth Solo Art Exhibition
"The Digital Pharaoh: One Concept ...Deep Inspiration Series", At The Faculty of Interior Design, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland, 17-31 October 2018. Honorary Patronage of The Ambassador of Arabic Republic of Egypt to Poland and in presence of the Egyptian Ambassador to Poland Mr. Hossam Al-Qawish.
The Exhibition news on the Official Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs FB Page:
(This FB Official Page - More than 1.3 Million Likes)
The Exhibition news on the Official Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs FB Page:
(This FB Official Page - More than 1.3 Million Likes)
15 - The Fifteenth Solo Art Exhibition
- ”The Pioneers of Egyptian theatre”, Opening: Sunday - 12.05.2019, At The National Museum of Unification Alba Iulia, Museikon, Roumania, Welcome speech: Dr. Gabriel Rustoiu (director general, Muzeul National al Unirii), Dr. Ana Dumitran (Șef secție Museikon / Department head): Presented by: Ioan Hădărig (Director artistic Fundația „Inter-Art” Foundation Art Director) & Dr. Viorel Cioflică (Președinte Grupul Skepsis - President).
The Opening Video:
16 - The Sixteenth Solo Art Exhibition
- At Faculty of Graphic Arts, At Fine Arts Academy in Warsaw, Poland, 3-18 December 2019. The Official Announcement of the Fine Arts Academy in Warsaw Website:
My Poster Exhibition, Photo taken by: Prof. Lniski, At The Faculty of Graphic Arts, Fine Arts Academy in Warsaw, December 2019, Poland.
My Poster Exhibition, Photo taken by: Prof. Lniski, At The Faculty of Graphic Arts, Fine Arts Academy in Warsaw, December 2019, Poland.
The Official Certificate of My Poster Exhibition, At The Faculty of Graphic Arts, Fine Arts Academy in Warsaw, December 2019, Poland.
17 - The Seventeenth Solo Art Exhibition
- "The Digital Pharaoh: Warsaw & Gdynia Prints" Solo Art Exhibition As a award from The 6th International Triennial of Graphic Digital Arts - Gdynia 2019, At Gallery R+ of The Art Academy in Szczecin, Poland from 18 December 2019 till 11 January 2020. Advertisement:
Photo from the opening ceremony at
Gallery R+ of The Art Academy in Szczecin, Poland, Photo Credits: Ola Jedrzejewska, Poland Photo from the opening ceremony at
Gallery R+ of The Art Academy in Szczecin, Poland, Photo Credits: Ola Jedrzejewska, Poland |
The Certificate of my Solo Art Exhibition at
Gallery R+ of Graphic Department at The Art Academy in Szczecin, Poland. |
18 - The Eighteenth Solo Art Exhibition
- My latest solo art & design exhibition Gallery 113, Faculty of Art, Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, Poland, from 4 till 31 May 2021.
19 - The Nineteenth Solo Art Exhibition
My Solo number (19) is at Moorim Gallery in Seoul, Korea. VIDAK. July 2022,
Thanks to Professor. Mansok Hwang, VIDAK, Moorim Gallery, And Prof. Hyun Ho Shin for the photos.
Photos Copyrighted to Prof. Hyun Ho Shin.
Thanks to Professor. Mansok Hwang, VIDAK, Moorim Gallery, And Prof. Hyun Ho Shin for the photos.
Photos Copyrighted to Prof. Hyun Ho Shin.