- I Participated in more than 40 Group art exhibitions in Egypt (Cairo, Giza, Ismaia, Luxar, Damietta, Alexandria, Mansoura, Dakahlia...).
- "The Third International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts": I participated in the Art Exhibition accompanying "the Third International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts", held at the University of Damietta, Ras Al-Barr, Egypt, November 2012.
- "The International Chinese Egyptian Center for Research and Studies": I participated in the First International Art Exhibition of "the International Chinese Egyptian Center for Research and Studies", (in cooperation with "NKU: Nankai University; 南開大學), Helwan University, Egypt, 17-18 March 2013.
- Held Dr. Mohamed Zakaria Exhibition for two- and three-dimensional poster design for the UN's Third Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in collaboration with the Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Damietta, Damietta Culture Palace (16-22 April 2013) (Certificate of Appreciation from the Damietta Culture Palace, Certificate of Appreciation from the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Arts University of Damietta), Egypt.
- Held Dr. Mohamed Zakaria Exhibition "For Egypt's Love" in collaboration with the Faculty of Applied Arts University Damietta, Damietta Culture Palace (9-22 September, 2013), Egypt.
- I participated in the fourth edition of the Ismailia Salon of Fine Arts entitled Bridge and Place, in the fields of painting & computer graphics, June, 2013, Egypt. (Regional Coordinator of the fourth edition of the Ismailia Salon of Fine Arts entitled Bridge and Place, Participated in the same as an artist in the fields of painting, computer graphics. Won the Shield thereof).
- I participated in the Sixth Hallmarks of Arab Fine Artists Forum, Egypt, April-August 2013.
- I Participated in 6X6 Salon of Small Artworks held at the Ismailia Cultural Branch 2013, I was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation and a Shield of Excellence, Played the role of the Regional Coordinator, Egypt.
- I participated in "the First Exhibition for the Egypt's Support Fund Initiative", held in "Hall of Tahrir Lounge at Goethe Institute", Cairo, Egypt, (15-25 September 2013). I was honored by the same.
- I participated in an Exhibition held by the Salon of Plastic Artists Syndicate in Alexandria, titled "Black & White Salon II" , Egypt, (1-8 October 2013).
- I participated in "the Graphic Exhibition" held by "Cairo Atelier Salon" (first session) (3-13 October 2013), Cairo, Egypt.
- I participated in to "the Second Exhibition of Egypt's Support Fund Initiative", held in "the Russian Cultural Center", Cairo, Egypt, 7-14 October 2013.
- I Participated in the First Egyptian-Arab Forum 2013, held at the Cultural Palace in Giza (Started on 29/10/2013 and lasted for a month). I won Prof. Dr. Hussein Al-Jebali Engrave Prize. On 29/10/2013 I was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from the presidency of the Greater Cairo and Northern Upper Egypt Cultural Region, Cultural Palace of Giza. My artwork was transferred and displayed at the Hanager Centre for Arts. (Was honored too by the President of the General Authority for Cultural Palaces & was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from the Director of the Giza Cultural Branch), Egypt.
- "Cavafy International Competition": "Gezira Arts Center": Cairo, Egypt, 3-7 December 2013.
- Participated in the 17th Salon of Dakahlia Syndicate of Fine Artists 2013, the Hall of Dar Ibn Luqman at the National Museum of Mansoura, (19-29 December, 2013).
- I participated in "The Exhibition of the Fortieth Anniversary of the October War" entitled We crossed the Canal and Raised the Flag!, Held at "the Hanager Hall", Opera House of Egypt, Cairo, Egypt, (10-13 October 2013).
- I participated in the Exhibition held by the Fine Artists Association, Dakahlia "Ninth Salon" in Dar Ibn Luqman, Mansoura, Egypt, 10-20 October, 2013.
- I participated in the Art Exhibition entitled Egyptian Popular Arts and Visions, held in Damietta Culture Palace (22-30 October 2013), I was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from the presidency of the Cultural Center of Damietta, East of Delta Cultural Region, Egypt.
- I was awarded a "Certificate of Appreciation from the presidency of the Greater Cairo and Northern Upper Egypt Cultural Region", Cultural Palace of Giza for participating in the Exhibition entitled October Victory: A Nation's Crossing, Giza, Egypt, (24-27 October, 2013).
- I participated in the Third Exhibition of the Egypt's Support Fund Initiative, held at Noon Centre for Culture and Creativity, Egypt, (7-17 November, 2013).
- I participated in the Second Festival of Visual Creativity, held in the Cultural Palace of Ismailia (19-21 November 2013),was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from the presidency of the Ismailia Cultural branch, Egypt.
- I participated in the Fourth Exhibition, of the Egypt's Support Fund Initiative held at Cultural Palace Farag, Egypt, 20-26, November, 2013.
- I participated in the Exhibition entitled "Al-Meshakhsania: Portraits", held by the Syndicate of Fine Artists, Alexandria, Egypt, (3-13 December 2013).
- I participated in "Exhibition of the First Egyptian-Arab Forum 2013", Held at "the Hanager Hall", Opera House of Egypt, Cairo, Egypt, (12-17, December, 2013), under supervision of "the General Authority for Cultural Palaces".
- I participated in the 17th Salon of Dakahlia Syndicate of Fine Artists 2013, the Hall of Dar Ibn Luqman at the National Museum of Mansoura, Egypt, 19-29 December, 2013.
- I participated in Egypt: Revolution and Freedom Exhibition held at the “Palace of Prince Taz”, under the auspices of the Cultural Development Fund and the Ministry of Culture,, Egypt,19-31 January, 2014.
- I participated in "Egypt United" Art Exhibition, Cairo Atelier, Egypt, 20-28 January, 2014.
- I participated in "the Life Makers Second Salon of Fine Arts" under the title of Sketches from Egypt, "Hanager Hall", Opera House, Cairo, Egypt, (22-28 January 2014).
- I Participated in 6 X 6 Salon of Photography (II), held at the Cultural Palace Ismailia, Egypt, 23-31 January 2014.
- I participated in the "Second Middle East Salon of Small Artworks", held at Shababeek Cultural Centre, Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt, (30 January- 7 February, 2014.
- "The Third International Art and Culture Biennial": the Center for Leadership Development, Cairo, Egypt, 12-19 February, 2014.
- I participated in "I adore black and white!" Art Exhibition, held at the Ismailia Center for Fine Arts, Ismailia, Egypt, February 2014.
- Held a special Exhibition titled "Contemporary Plastic Arts Visions" in conjunction with Dr. "Heba Zohny" and Dr. "Rania Allam". (Site: Cairo Directorate of Culture) The event was part of the cultural celebration of the First Saloon of the Cairo Directorate of Culture, Egypt, (27th February – 6th March, 2014).
- I participated in Cairo Atelier Salon of Painting (Muhammad Naji), Egypt, (2-8 March, 2014).
- I participated in "the First Foundation Session for the Textile Arts (Textile First Salon)", held at "the Palace of Arts", Cairo Opera House, Cairo, Egypt, (10-31 March, 2014).
- I Participated in Sublime Art Age Exhibition, held in the Prince Taz Palace, Cultural Development Fund, Egypt, (16-31 March 2014).
- I Participated in the Life Makers Third Salon of Fine Arts Express Yourself, held in the Cultural Palace of Ismailia, Egypt, (27 March-14 April, 2014).
- I participated in "One Artwork for every home" Art Exhibition, At the Syndicate of the Egyptian plastic artists, Opera House, Cairo, Egypt, (12-19 April, 2014).
- I participated in "Sayed Darwish Egyptian Melodies Competition", organized by the Saad Zaghloul Cultural Center in cooperation with the General Authority for Cultural Palaces, held in the Cultural Palace of Assiut, Cairo Atelier and Alexandria Atelier, Egypt, (April 2014).
- I participated in "Exhibition of the First International-Arab Forum" 2014, Held at "the Hanager Hall", Opera House of Egypt, under supervision of "the General Authority for Cultural Palaces", Cairo, Egypt, 28 June – 3 July, 2014.
- Participation in "One Artwork for Every Egyptian Home Art Exhibition" First Edition, Syndicate of Egyptian Plastic Artists Hall, Cairo, Egypt, 12 April, 2014.
- "International Mail Art – EGYPT 2014": Atelier of Alexandria group of Artists and Writers, Egypt, (from 16 till 27,10,2014).
- I participated in "The Art Exhibition of Arabic Calligraphy In the occasion of the opening ceremony of The Museum of Arabic Calligraphy" at Alexandria Fine Arts Museum, in Alexandria City, Egypt, September, 2015. FB Page:
- I participated in "Inspired by Words Exhibition", 17 December – 31 December 2015, Karmt ibn Hanie Culture Center, Ahmed Shawky Museum, Cairo, Egypt, 2015 News URL
- I participated in the 5th upper Egypt Salon Luxor 2017 at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Luxor City, Egypt, opening date: 4 April 2017 till two weeks show. News URL